re:Mix goes Mono
Our re:Mix colours are getting a fresh update!
We're moving away from the bicolor design to mono: 1 color only for the entire outer casing. Made from the same 100% recycled material.
We already had Mono Black Mineral and Mono White Mineral in our collection. Now, the rest are following suit: say hello to Mono White Sprinkled, Mono White Floreale, and Mono Black Sprinkled.

How come?
Firstly, we've seen a high demand from customers for this monochrome approach to the outer casing. Secondly, our initial worries around easily staining of the top panel turned out to not be an issue for our users of Mono White Mineral. And lastly, Black Mineral panels were difficult in production. From ordering this special mix of black recycled materials (custom-made for us), to polishing the material 6 times longer than the white colors, this material was by far the most difficult to work with.

Ok, but why did you go for bicolors in the first place?
Since our very first prototypes, we preferred having black tops, bottoms and sides, to make it look less “boxy”. We also assumed that the black color on the top panel would make it less stainable. After having crafted and shipped over 3.000 re:Mix and listening to customer feedback, we're now ready to offer what you've been asking for!
Are you saying goodbye forever?
In case of returns, we refurbish every single mixer we get back. This means we might make a limited amount of the bicolor designs available again, in exceptional cases.